The entrance to ELAC on Avenida Cesar Chavéz

Why am I running for ELAC Chapter President?

I want to promote widespread member engagement to build the power of our chapter and the Guild

Faculty Issues Discord Server

An online space for ongoing discussion of issues

At the moment, our membership lacks any means of communicating with each other, sharing thoughts and and staying in touch. Why is this? Why should it persist?

Discord is a threaded chat app ideal for ongoing discussion and sharing of information.

I have created an ELAC Faculty Issues Discord Server, a moderated forum for us to discuss issues we think our chapter and the Guild need to be talking about, to stay in touch, and to keep track over time of the connection between what we discuss and what happens.



How will changing technology change how we serve students, and what role will we play in shaping that future?


Let’s build more and more effective ways that members can stay engaged, at whatever level of time and attention they can.


AB705 and AB1705 are impacting how we serve our community. We can expect further legislative involvement in our work. How will we respond?


We need to develop our solidarity skills, so that we can work together toward common goals.

Promoting member engagement

            Safe spaces for engagement

            Respect for people’s time and talent

            Meaningful impact

            Opportunities to connect

            Encouraging members to take leadership positions

            Substantive meetings

            Distributed action

Solidarity as a guiding principle

We should be active partners in the transformation of our college and community. Our priorities may differ, but we will be better off if we seek to collaborate wherever possible. And most importantly, despite our various differences and goals, our primary common goal should be strengthening our union and supporting our members.


During my campaign, I will be hosting several Zoom meetings for faculty members, each focused on areas of importance to faculty.

These Zoom Issues Forums will be recorded and edited into podcast format, so faculty unable to attend can access these recordings and listen at their convenience, so they can hear what their colleagues have discussed. (Faculty who do not wish to have their comments included in the podcast can request that they be omitted.) Forum topics will be discussed ahead of time, and followed up on, in the ELAC Faculty Issues Discord Server.

The first Issues Forum will be focused on our various thoughts and experiences regarding AI, and how it will transform our work.

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